SoundBoard Recording
Lineage : SounDBoard --> Cassette --> CDR --> EAC --> FLAC
Excellent Sound Quality !!!
Bass - Jaco Pastorius
Drums - Kenwood Dennard
Guitars - Hiram Bullock
Setlist (updated thanks to calivox)
1. Peak of Love
2. Three Views of a Secret
3. unknown
4. Teen Town
5. Birdland/Liberty City
6. Applause
7. Amerika
8. Medley: Them Changes/Purple Haze/Simple Song/Funky Broadway/improvisation
9. intro to Havona/Dear Prudence
Total time: 1:17:59
Enjoy !!!
Links in comments
Download links:
Part 01
Part 02
Part 03
Part 04
Part 05
Part 06
I couldn't figure out 1 or 3 and there might more songs wedged into the medley on track 8 but here's what I came up with:
1. unknown
2. Three Views of a Secret
3. unknown
4. Teen Town
5. Birdland
6. Applause
7. Amerika
8. Medley: Them Changes/Purple Haze/Simple Song/Funky Broadway/improvisation
9. intro to Havona/Dear Prudence
Thank you very much Calivox !!
I've done some more listening.
5 is Birdland/Liberty City--they segue into Liberty City at the end.
3. is interesting. I saw this tour when they played Pittsburgh on, I think, the next night. The band was called PDB for Pastorius/Dennard/Bullock. Kenwood played an amazing solo where he played drums, keyboard and sang all at the same time. Apparently it was fairly different every night because this version is different that one I remembered. At the show I saw, he jammed for a while and then worked his way into the Dizzy Gillespie tune A Night in Tunisia. He played the bass line with his left hand on a keyboard that he had on it's side down by his feet, kept up a complicated Afro Cuban beat with his right hand and feet and then sang the melody. It was pretty amazing display of independence. Track 3 here is the Columbus, OH version of that solo which, alas, doesn't have A Night in Tunisia in it. Keep in mind that everything you hear is Kenwood-keyboards, drums, vocals-the lot. The other guys are sitting on the sides of the stage watching him.
I still don't know what track 1 is. Maybe someone else recognizes it.
After the Pittsburgh show, the band hung around the club. I tossed a basketball around with Jaco for about 10 seconds. He was so manic he couldn't sit still and do one thing for more than a couple of seconds at a time. It was the only time I ever saw him live. I talked to Kenwood for a few minutes and he was really nice, quiet guy. Hiram had family in Pittsburgh so he had a entourage around him and wasn't approachable.
Thanks again for this wonderful information Calivox !!
I have Track 1 as "Peak of Love"
Thanks !!!
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