A Robert Collins Master Recording.
Artist: Chick Corea, Stanley Clarke, Lenny White
Date: September 18, 2009
Location: Yoshi's, Oakland, California, USA
Seats: Somewhere near Table-45 (Seating chart enclosed)
Deck: Korg MR1000 (5.6 Mhz, 1-bit Recording)
Mics: Neumann KM-140
Source: A:D Master Tape; Stereo
Sample Rate: 44.1Khz, 16-bit (FLAC)
Rating: A
Length: 71 Minutes
DVD Audio: A Hi-Definition DVD-Audio (96 Khz, 24-bit) version of this concert is also available.
AUD> Korg MR1000 (5.6 Mhz, 1-bit master tape)
---> Down sample to 96Khz, 24-bit using Korg Audiogate
---> iZotope RX-Advanced. Remove pops, ticks, microphone muffling.
---> Sound Forge (remove resonant frequency @ 50-200 Hz)
---> Down sample to 44.1Khz, 16-bit using SoundForge 10, iZotope RX algorithms
---> CD Architect
---> EAC
---> FLAC
Sound Samples:
Chick Corea Piano
Stanley Clarke Acoustic Bass
Lenny White Drums
Song list:
On Green Dolphin Street
Bud Powell
No Mystery
After The Cosmic Rain
This release comes complete with a scanned in image of the ticket stub, seating chart, and a piece of Chick Corea SPAM I picked up at the show. While at the concert, I noticed a bit of boominess in the lower frequency range. It turns out there's a resonant frequency near 80Hz, about an octave wide. Unlike an equalizer which applies a mandatory attenuation of frequencies, I applied a band-wise compressor to attenuate frequencies from 50-200 Hz, and only when they exceeded -30db. The compression was very mild @ 1.5:1. This removes the boominess without removing any of the content or altering the sound spectrum of the concert
(unlike an equalizer). Otherwise, the show is mostly perfect. Other than the occasional microphone muffling, the recording is exceptional. Using iZotope RX-Advanced, I was able to remove most of the mic muffling.
Enjoy !!!
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Download links:
Part 01
Part 02
Part 03
Part 04
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