I was digging around my collection to see what items I had. I found this Directions Era Herbie Show which I got in a trade. Not a close/vivid capture but quite clean especially after listening to a song or two. I thought I would share it with those Herbie/Micheal Heads who don't have it already. Plus it's a chance to savor Michael Brecker's gift which I thought would be around much longer. His Fans will want this just for the solo Naima. Beautiful/ Amazing. RE: Sound Quality. It is a pretty clean aud- IMO- but recorded a bit toward the back of the hall- so little distant. Anybody know what hall this might be? Anyway, Crank this one up a bit! Enjoy!!
Thank you mr_mags !!!
Herbie Hancock: piano
Michael Brecker: tenor sax
Roy Hargrove: trumpet
George Mraz: bass
Willie Jones: drums
AUD>?>Cdr from Trade>EAC>WAV>FLAC
Sound Quality: A-/B+
CD 1
T1 Sorcerer (Herbie Hancock) > 8:25
T2 The Poet (Roy Hargrove) 6:11
T3 So What/Impressions (Miles Davis/John Coltrane) 17:52
T4 "Herbie Explains" 5:00
T5 Misstery (Brecker/Hancock/Hargrove) 8:49
T6 "Michael on Coltrane" 1:54
T7 Naima (John Coltrane) 10:02
T7 Transition (John Coltrane) 13:32
CD 2
T1 Pinocchio (Wayne Shorter) 7:39
T2 My Ship (Kurt Weil/George Gershwin) 7:56
T3 D Trane (Michael Brecker) 12:07
Enjoy !!!
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Download links:
Part 01
Part 02
Part 03
Part 04
Part 05
Hello Good Doctor:
I was lucky enough to attend this incredible performance. I have to confess that after making the solo drive to Aspen from Boulder I was a little bummed to see Mraz and Jones on the bill instead of Pattituci and Blade. But it took all of 30 seconds for me to understand how special this night was going to be, regardless. Although I don't know the name of the "tent" that they played in, it was a temp structure on the grounds of the Jazz Aspen Festival. If you've ever been to Jazzfest in new Orleans it was the same type of venue as their jazz tent. Either way, thanks for posting, and to all who are second guessing this one because it is audience, you should hear this even if it was D- quality. Brecker was a magician on the horn, and this performance of his was exceptional.
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